2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries
 2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic and golden thread on unstretched canvas and distressed drop cloth  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic, latex paint on a distressed drop cloth.  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint on linen, canvas, distressed drop cloth, thread, and tulle  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint on bedsheet with thread and fabric trim. Unstretched.
 2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint and embroidery thread on canvas, distressed drop cloth, velvet, bedsheet, and other fabrics. Unstretched.  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint on canvas and fabric stitched with cotton thread  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic and latex paint on drop cloth and canvas. Unstretched triptych  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint and embroidery thread on canvas, linen, fabric
 2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic and latex paint on distressed drop cloth  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint on distressed drop cloth, fabric, thread, and duct tape.  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint on unstretched linen with tulle  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint on linen and fabric with thread and lace
 2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries India ink and watercolor on paper  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint on unstretched canvas  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint on unstretched canvas  2022-20 Paintings and Painted Tapestries Acrylic paint on unstretched drop cloth